Android 3.0 Platform Preview and Updated SDK Tools

Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) is a new version of the Android platform that is designed from the ground up for devices with larger screen sizes, p...

Processing Ordered Broadcasts

[This post is by Bruno Albuquerque, an engineer who works in Google’s office in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. —Tim Bray] One of the things that I ...

Have Androids. Will Travel.

[The first part of this post is by Reto Meier . —Tim Bray] From c-base in Berlin to the Ice Bar in Stockholm, from four courses of pasta in...

Gingerbread NDK Awesomeness

[This post is by Chris Pruett , an outward-facing Androider who focuses on the world of games. —Tim Bray] We released the first version of t...

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