Custom Class Loading in Dalvik

[This post is by Fred Chung , who’s an Android Developer Advocate — Tim Bray] The Dalvik VM provides facilities for developers to perform c...

New Tools For Managing Screen Sizes

[This post is by Dianne Hackborn and a supporting cast of thousands; Dianne’s fingerprints can be found all over the Android Application Fra...

Debugging Android JNI with CheckJNI

[This post is by Elliott Hughes, a Software Engineer on the Dalvik team — Tim Bray] Although most Android apps run entirely on top of Dalvik...

Android 3.2 Platform and Updated SDK tools

Today we are announcing the Android 3.2 platform, an incremental release that adds several new capabilities for users and developers. The ne...

A New Android Market for Phones

[This post is by Eric Chu, Android Developer Ecosystem. —Dirk Dougherty] Earlier this year, we launched several important features aimed at...

New Mode for Apps on Large Screens

[This post is by Scott Main, lead tech writer for . — Tim Bray] Android tablets are becoming more popular, and we'...

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