Android’s HTTP Clients

[This post is by Jesse Wilson from the Dalvik team. —Tim Bray] Most network-connected Android apps will use HTTP to send and receive data. ...

Euro Android Developer Labs

This series started last month , and now registration is open for the European leg: Berlin — September 28 and 29. London — October 3 and 5....

Preparing for Handsets

[This post is by Scott Main, lead tech writer for . — Tim Bray] Early this year, Honeycomb (Android 3.0) launched for ...

Thinking Like a Web Designer

[This post is by Roman Nurik , who is passionate about icons, with input from me and a bunch of the Framework engineers. —Tim Bray] The numb...

More Carrier Billing Options on Android Market

[This post is by Eric Chu, Android Developer Ecosystem. —Dirk Dougherty] Over the past year, we’ve seen very strong growth in the number of ...

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