Say Goodbye to the Menu Button

[This post is by Scott Main, lead tech writer for . — Tim Bray] Before Android 3.0 (Honeycomb), all Android-powered de...

Southern-hemisphere Developer Labs

We’ve just scheduled Android Developer Labs for Melbourne (January 31), Sydney (February 3), and Auckland (February 8). The material is not...

Introducing the Android Design site

[This post is by Christian Robertson , who leads the Android visual design group. He is also the designer of the Roboto font family. —Tim ...

Levels in Renderscript

[This post is by R. Jason Sams , an Android Framework engineer who specializes in graphics, performance tuning, and software architecture. —...

Holo Everywhere

[This post is by Adam Powell , an Android Framework engineer who cares about style. —Tim Bray] Android 4.0 showcases the Holo theme family, ...

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